Seth Rollins Disappointed He Pulled A Hulk Hogan Trading Card During Topps Event,630

Photo Credit: WWE

Seth Rollins took part in a promotional event that saw him opening Topps WWE cards, but he was disappointed to find a Hulk Hogan card in his pack.

During a recent appearance at a Topps Rip Night event (which sees celebrities opening packs of cards) at a sports shop in El Segundo, California, Rollins opened various packs and met with fans. In a video captured by fans, Rollins was opening cards when he let out a disappointed noise.

When asked what the problem was, Rollins noted that he “saw a Hall of Fame card” and got excited. However, he got less excited once he saw whose card it was.

"I saw a Hall Of Fame Card and I got excited. Then I saw it was Hulk Hogan and I got a little less excited,” joked Rollins. The presenter opening cards with him, a Black male, then joked that Hogan didn’t like “us” too much. This was a reference to Hogan’s past racism scandals, to which Rollins began laughing and then hugged the presenter.

Seth Rollins actually enjoyed seeing Hulk Hogan get booed on RAW

Hulk Hogan has received a mixed reaction from the WWE Universe in recent years, despite the company’s attempt to reintegrate him. Hogan was booed by the crowd at the RAW on Netflix premiere, which reportedly led to WWE reflecting on how they’ll feature him in the future.

Rollins appeared on Good Morning Football and shared his thoughts on Hulk Hogan getting booed. Rollins said he can’t take Hogan’s in-ring resume away, but Hogan’s lack of accountability might have earned him those frigid reactions.

"I am all for people getting what they deserve," Rollins said. "That's how I feel about Hulk Hogan getting booed [on Raw]. If you are getting booed by the masses, there's a reason for it, alright. So I don't know if Hulk fully understands the scope, but people get what they deserve. So I'm happy to see it, I love to see it. Look, I said this before about the Hulkster. He's the guy that got me into this industry as far as love for professional wrestling, so I'll never take that away from him.

"What he's done for our business, I'll never take that away from him. But I do think there's some responsibility that he needs to own up to that he hasn't yet. Maybe when he finally figures that out, might be able to move forward with our fans, so we'll see."

The post Seth Rollins Disappointed He Pulled A Hulk Hogan Trading Card During Topps Event appeared first on Wrestlezone.
