Elon Musk still chasing Mark Zuckerberg fight: 'There's a reason why there's weight classes'

Elon Musk still wants to fight Mark Zuckerberg.

Last summer tech giant Elon Musk called out Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg to a 'cage fight.'  The potential bout dominated headlines on MMA websites and mainstream outlets.  UFC President Dana White said that he wanted to promote the match.  Fighters started picking sides and the two men trained with some of the best fighters in the world.  

Zuckerberg worked with featherweight champion Alexander Volkanovski and former two-time middleweight titleholder Israel Adesanya while former two-division UFC champion Georges St-Pierre worked with Musk.  The GOAT Jon Jones offered to help Zuckerberg prepare.  Italy agreed to allow the bout to take place in the historic Colosseum in Rome.  

Musk appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast on Tuesday and discussed why the fight hasn't happened and how he'd beat Zuckerberg.

"I was posting all these fight videos and someone said on Titter time, 'Hey, you should fight Zuck.'  I said, 'Well, I'm willing to fight if he is,' and then Zuck posted, I think on Instagram or something, 'Name the place,' or something, something to that effect.  I said, 'Okay, how about the Vegas octagon,'" Musk explained how it all got started.  "Italy was actually willing to have us use the colosseum.  I was like, we can't turn that down... And Zuck pulled out."

Zuckerberg released a statement in August accusing Musk of not being serious about taking the fight.

"I think we can all agree Elon isn't serious and it's time to move on. I offered a real date. Dana White offered to make this a legit competition for charity. Elon won't confirm a date, then says he needs surgery, and now asks to do a practice round in my backyard instead. If Elon ever gets serious about a real date and official event, he knows how to reach me. Otherwise, time to move on. I'm going to focus on competing with people who take the sport seriously," said Zuckerberg. 

"He was like, 'Oh no, it has to be UFC rules.'  I was like, well, okay, we can have UFC rules in the colosseum.  That's fine, but we have to respect the historical integrity of the place.  He accused me of not being serious.  At the end of the day, I'll fight you any place, anywhere, under any rules.  That's what I said," Musk stated.

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Zuckerberg is in excellent condition and avidly trains jut-jitsu. Musk believes his size will negate that.  Musk told Rogan how he planned to beat Zuckerberg if the fight ever came to fruition.  

"I'm way bigger than him.  This is unfair.  I don't think he should fight me... I'll just us my walrus move.  Lay on him.  Walrus doesn't need martial arts training because it's really big," said Musk.  "I think I'd be decent.  I did martial arts competitions as a teenager."  

""I don't need any time," Musk answered Rogan on how long he needs to preparer.  "If I was fighting someone where I was not much bigger than them, I'd be more concerned."  

When asked 'how is your cardio, Musk replied, "It will not be a factor."

"I'm willing to do it anytime, anywhere, any place in the world," Musk added.  "I'd challenge him to a duel under any circumstances... Nerf guns at noon."  

"There's a reason why they have weight categories," said Musk.  "There's a friend of mine who's pretty good a fighting.  She weighs about half of what I do.  I said, 'let me show you why there's weight categories in fighting.  I'm going to do a move called the walrus.  I'm just going to lay on you.  I'm not going to put you in a lock or anything.  I'm just going to lay on you, but I'm going to position myself where it's hard to get out from under me.  I'm going to lay crossways on you and try to get away and you won't be able to get away because you couldn't.'  You can get trapped under a horse."  

Rogan pointed out that in jiu-jitsu much smaller opponents defeat much bigger men all the time.  

"It's unlikely," said Musk.  "I'm not saying it's impossible.  It's just highly unlikely.  If this were not the case then there wouldn't be weight categories in martial arts."  

