Matt Riddle – 'I Am My Own Worst Enemy'

During a recent appearance on Sports Illustrated’s “The Takedown” podcast, former WWE Superstar Matt Riddle commented on being his own worst enemy for his career and whether he believes a return to WWE is possible.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On if he's his own worst enemy and his value as a talent: "I'm always going to be me. It's really hard to tell me how to live my life or how I'm going to do things. I can be my worst enemy when you're working for a billion-dollar corporation that wants to look cookie-cutter and get Disney and every other sponsor to book them. Yeah, I'm definitely my own worst enemy in that sense. But I think in that sense, I'm as valuable as I am because I don't bend on certain things, and I think that's what makes me unique. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm my own worst enemy. But I'm just me. Trust me, there's a long time where I wasn't me and I would go through the motions."

On not trying to fake or hide anything: "I'm 38 years old. I'm not trying to fake anything or hide anything. Like I don't want to hide a relationship and have my girlfriend be all insecure because I won't post her. I just want her to be happy. She makes me happy. Unfortunately, I felt like at times that would upset them or other people. My girlfriend would get death threats and stuff saying that she ruined my life. I just don't find that acceptable.”

On friends in WWE trying to maintain an image of perfection: "I would agree I am my own worst enemy. I'm also my best friend. I always have my back. I always know what I want deep down in my heart. I have a lot of buddies (that) still work with WWE. If you knew how they feel and how they act and how they hold back every second. They want to do this, but they can't do that. Trust me, people live and like, especially when you work somewhere like that, it's all about image. A lot of them just want to paint that picture of perfection. Hide anything that might be judged. You know what? I don't blame them. Well, me, I am my own worst enemy. I'm very transparent. I'm somebody that'll go right on Twitter if somebody talks crap, and I'll literally, make a video being like, 'You're full of it."

On the chances of him returning to WWE: "The chances of me going back, I think they're extremely high. If CM Punk, who filed a lawsuit against WWE, and then raked them through the mud for a decade, then goes to the competition, I'll tell you this, if he can do that, everything can be forgiven. I know I wasn't the easiest to work with at times. I think the door is always open."

On being okay with the idea of him never going back: "I think the longer I'm away, the harder I work, and the more I do, the more likely I could come back. But I'll also say this, if I never go back ever again, and they never talk to me again, I'll be ok with that."

Matt Riddle was released from WWE in September 2023.

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