Glenn 'Kane' Jacobs On Being Wrestler's Court Bailiff, Trial Of Brian Gewirtz

Glenn ‘Kane’ Jacobs may have been just as imposing in wrestler’s court as he was in the ring, but his role as a bailiff was relatively easy.

On a recent edition of the “Six Feet Under” podcast, Jacobs recalled serving as the bailiff in the disciplinary measures overseen by ‘Judge’ Undertaker. He said,

“I wasn’t involved in any of the prosecutions or any of the actual undertaking of the ‘justice’ being served… I was in charge of keeping order in the courtroom… I didn’t really do anything.”

Jacobs also recalled Edge, Christian, and writer Brian Gewirtz being brought into court under claims the tag team was trying to buy Gerwirtz’s favor with gifts.

While Edge and Christian knew what to expect in court, Jacobs recalled Gewirtz not being as well-versed in the disciplinary system. He said,

“Brian didn’t know, you know, actually how you survive wrestler’s court, which is [by bringing the wrestlers] with Jack Daniels.”

Wrestler’s court has faced accusations of authorized bullying and is no longer used by WWE who instead let matters be handled by an HR team.

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