Drew McIntyre Reveals What Changed His Outlook On Wrestling, MVP Lavishes Praise On Omos


Drew McIntyre was a recent guest on the “Insight with Chris Van Vliet” podcast to discuss a variety of topics, including how his 2016 broken neck injury changed how he approached the wrestling business.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On the injury changed his physical regimen: "I always worked out hard. More like diet wise was such a difference maker for me. The key was breaking my neck initially. That kind of helped me in a lot of ways. People would ask me for advice. I was like, you know what really was a turning point in my life? Breaking my neck. Getting fired and breaking my neck. There's two things I recommend for you to truly find your potential."

On how it changed his mindset on wrestling: "If I stand in front of Brock [Lesnar], am I believable? More than a lot of people. But no, I can do better than that. I'm going to build my body up to look the part. If I step in front of Brock, people are going to go, I believe he can beat him up… Fast forward a few years and I eliminated Brock from the Rumble."

During a recent K&S WrestleFest virtual signing, MVP lavished praise on Omos. He said,

"I know Vince was real high on what Omos could be. 7-foot 3-inch Nigerian monster. They were testing Omos. Every match, a lot of people were looking for him to fail. He had that match with Braun in Saudi and did great. Then he had the match with Brock at WrestleMania and did awesome. Then he had the match with Seth Rollins in Puerto Rico."

He continued, "They keep waiting for the dude to fail, and he doesn't fail, he just keeps getting better. I hope he has a very long and prosperous career as a force of nature."

NOTE: If you have any news tips or podcast recaps that you’d like to send in for us to post (full credit will be given to you), please email me at RClarkPWS@Yahoo.com.

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