Create A Modern Day Version Of The Natural Disasters | Question Of The Day

Welcome to another eWrestlingNews Question of the Day!

Former WWF Tag Team Champions The Natural Disasters are going to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year, which got me thinking: If this tag team existed today, who would be the modern day equivalents? Essentially, let’s say WWE decided to do something that never tends to work, a la The New Midnight Express, and apply it to the current roster with The New Natural Disasters in mind.

My question for you today is “Who would be today’s version of Typhoon and Earthquake in a New Natural Disasters team?”

Remember to answer with your response in the comments below.

As far as my answer…

Not to steal everyone’s first answer right out of the gate, but the most obvious choice that fits the mold in every single category would be Bronson Reed. Not only is the guy the same build of Typhoon and Earthquake, nor is he too high up on the card to be in a tag team (though you can argue he should get that push), his finisher is also called the tsunami. It writes itself. Once you give him a singlet that says Tsunami on it, you’re effectively already done.

The trouble is in finding his tag team partner, and that’s where things get interesting.

In my mind, it would need to be someone of a similar build. Just because Shane Helms went by The Hurricane didn’t mean he and Rosey were filling that void, for example. I’m not making an argument that Bronson Reed’s partner should be Ilja Dragunov and they should slap some “Blizzard” name on him or something. It just wouldn’t work. He doesn’t have the size to pull that off, even if he’s running around like a madman.

I think the only real contenders here—and some might be a bit of a stretch—would be Ivar, Otis, Braun Strowman, Erick Rowan, and Omos. Maybe there are some people in the NXT, EVOLVE, and ID system who I’m unaware of, but as far as I can recall, even someone like Jasper Troy doesn’t really fit the necessary build. Boy, it’s a shame Odyssey Jones didn’t pan out, as he would have been a perfect option.

Obviously, Braun Strowman is past the point where it would make sense to team him with Bronson Reed in this capacity. It could work, but he’s also just more on the taller side for me than the rounder build, and frankly, I think he works better with the gimmick he has.

The same “tall-big versus large-big” debate comes into play with Omos, though I’d much more hear this one out. That is mostly because things just aren’t working out for him in WWE as it is, and this could be what saves his career.

Ivar already has a good thing going with Erik as the War Raiders. If for some reason Erik were to leave WWE, then I think Ivar immediately shoots up to the top of the list as the best candidate, being both huge and athletic as well as someone who realistically isn’t going to be a main-eventer, even if he has all the talent to reach that level with the right push.

Erick Rowan is also already in The Wyatt Sicks, and I think he’s pretty much stuck there. It wouldn’t make a lot of sense to me to pull him out of that just to put him in another tag team, as he’s directly associated with Wyatt, so it’s not like he can be easily replaced in that faction.

Otis, on the other hand, does not need to be in Alpha Academy. Hell, I’d argue Alpha Academy is long overdue for a breakup. Maxxine Dupri can just be a regular member of the women’s division by herself, Akira Tozawa could do the same and continue on playing the same role (or go down to NXT and be a bigger deal and actually be taken seriously), and Otis can use a fresh coat of paint. I keep making the suggestion that he’s great as a comedic character and could fit VERY well as the leader of a trio with Hank Walker and Tank Ledger, but if that’s never going to be the plan, and I were presented with this opportunity of a New Natural Disasters, I’d be pitching Otis heavily.

As part of Heavy Machinery, he already had a similar gimmick in a sense. Why not go back to it? Play into his size and let him be a more dominating force again. Earthquake was bigger than Typhoon, and Reed is bigger than Otis, so that still works out to me. Call him Landslide in the sense that he’s a big boulder crashing down on people and change up The Caterpillar to something he can do with that namesake.

When it comes to replacing Jimmy Hart as a manager, I don’t think that’s necessary, as both Reed and Otis can talk well enough on their own that they don’t absolutely need a mouthpiece.

What do you think? Drop your thoughts below!

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