Becky Lynch Reveals Seth Rollins' Reaction To Her Main Eventing WrestleMania 35

Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, and Ronda Rousey headlined WWE WrestleMania 35 in a Triple Threat Match, and “The Man” recently appeared on the “Games With Names” podcast to recall finding out they would be in the main event, telling Seth Rollins about it, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On finding out she was main eventing the show: "It was incredible, it was incredible. I was driving from Buffalo New York to Boston. I had like a little dance party in the car and then I told I told Colby — I told my boyfriend at the time, now husband. He was the first person I told, which was probably insensitive of me because he was also hoping to be the main event of WrestleMania that year."

On Rollins' reaction to the news: "I've said my husband's a no-seller. So I said, 'We're going to main event WrestleMania,' and he goes, 'That's interesting.' He was like well because normally they don't announce what the main event and I think up until that point they actually hadn't … he was right they never actually announce it beforehand. It was a bit of a stab to him, you know. Yeah, I should have handled it more sensitively."

On Rollins' giving her support in the leadup to the show: "The week running up, like my husband was just the best. Like, I was just so nervous, scared and would you know … he would just counsel me and remind me that it's not about the wrestling, it's not about the moves, it's about the emotion, it's about the story being told — which is what it is. We were already there, we already had the crowd, we already had them hooked by the story, and it was just a matter of going out there and doing the damn thing."

On Rousey never having done a triple threat match before: "But we didn't really get to plan the match until the day of, and even then like the show had, because, you know, this was a historical match everybody had media, so we were always being dragged in different spots. So we didn't really have anything up until a few — maybe an hour before we went out."

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