AJ Styles Says WWE Under Triple H Isn't The Same As Vince McMahon's Company

In a recent interview on The Battleground Podcast, AJ Styles talked about Triple H’s role as the head of creative for WWE and the changes that have occurred since Vince McMahon stepped down. Here are the highlights:

How WWE has changed: "I wish more guys, who I think would do well in WWE, who may have been afraid as far as past things have happened with Vince [Vince McMahon] being there, I wish they would understand that WWE is in this for the long run. We're talking about ten years on Netflix. Possibly twenty years. That's a long time. We're not going anywhere. The fact that you can come here and you can have a job as long as you can produce for as long as you want, depending on where you're from, you can reach out to other countries. I wish more guys would understand this. We are not just in the United States. We're not just in England. We're global. We're even bigger now than we've ever been. Places we weren't able to go, now we're in. I wish they could see that and know that this isn't the same WWE that Vince was in charge of."

Triple H's leadership: "I really believe that Triple H looks at our talent and goes, 'Let's get them better or find ways to bring out the best in them,' rather than show off the worst. A lot of those guys and girls, when they got released from WWE, it crushes them. I never understood why we want to do something like that rather than just send them back to NXT for more work. Being released, it'll crush you. I don't want to see people's lives being ruined because of a job. At the end of the day, it's just a job, but it's still something they've worked for their whole life and when you're told you're not good enough, it sucks, but it's not the way it is these days. With Triple H in charge, he's doing a great job of making everyone feel important."

The post AJ Styles Says WWE Under Triple H Isn’t The Same As Vince McMahon’s Company appeared first on eWrestlingNews.com.
