WWE News: Natalya Opens Up About Recent Three Month Absence


WWE News: Natalya Opens Up About Recent Three Month AbsenceJeff WhalenSep 11, 2024 - 12:13 pm

-- WWE star Natalya returned to action this week on Raw as a mystery partner of Zelina Vega and Lyra Valkyria in their win over Pure Fusion Collective. It was her first match in over three months as she last competed back in June for NXT. Speaking on the Growing Up Von Erich podcast, the veteran wrestler who recently signed a new contract with WWE went into more detail on her absence revealing that she underwent eye surgery and has also been focusing on some other projects.

"I took a little time off this summer and the company was so great about it. They were like 'Take as much time as you need.' It's really changing so much in the best way and the culture is so different now. Like, our boss, Triple H, he is such a cool boss. I just recently got eye surgery to correct astigmatism in my eye and I needed a little bit more time off to get that done. He's like, 'Go get your eyes fixed.' He's like 'Don't even worry about it, go take care of yourself.'"

"I had my last match in June so it was not even three months but I took a little break because I was like, I need a little mental reset. Like, I just need some time to regroup, recalibrate, refocus. Again, it was for my mental health because it's one thing to be healthy and fit on a treadmill, or you look great, or you got abs, but if your head isn't right, you can't do any of the fun stuff."

-- She hinted at some projects she is working on as well related to the Hart Family dynasty:

"I've still been sworn to secrecy about it so I won't give out spoilers but there's two different things that I'm working on and again, it's about keeping the Hart family name alive."
