Ring Of Honor Results – November 23, 2023

Ring Of Honor
Date: November 23, 2023
Location: Toyota Arena, Ontario, California
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s a special show this week as we have one heck of a major match announced for the show. Granted the match has no build and was only announced on Instragram rather than on a previous show or AEW TV. As a bonus, we’re also getting a Pure Rules Title match from Katsuyori Shibata. Let’s get to it.

Athena and Billie Starkz issue an open challenge to any team who wants to face them. They leave, with Marina Shafir coming in and making a phone call.

Opening sequence.

Commentary wonders who Shafir could have been calling….and then give us a rundown of the show, revealing that Ronda Rousey will be teaming with Shafir.

Pure Rules Title: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Trent Beretta

Shibata is defending. Trent actually takes him down for an early one They fight over a headlock takeover and headscissors escape until the PK misses for Beretta. An armbar sends Beretta over to the ropes for the first break but Shibata goes right back to the arm. Shibata kicks him to the apron, only to have Beretta hit a slingshot spear for two.

A tornado DDT gets the same so Shibata sits down, allowing Beretta to chop away. Beretta knocks him outside for the slingshot dive but Shibata is back in with a running corner dropkick. An ankle lock goes on so Beretta has to use his second rope break. An STO gives Shibata two, followed by the PK to retain the title at 8:26.

Result: Katsuyori Shibata b. Trent Beretta – PK (8:26)

Diamante vs. Trish Adora vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Willow Nightingale

Nightingale clears house to start but gets knocked outside for a dive from Hogan. Back in and Hogan strikes away at Diamante before heading up top. That means a Tower Of Doom to leave everyone down, followed by Diamante getting triple teamed. Nightingale hits a Death Valley Driver but gets superkicked by Hogan for two. Adora kicks Hogan in the face but walks into the Babe With The Powerbomb for the pin at 4:57.

Result: Willow Nightingale b. Diamante, Trish Adora and Kiera Hogan – Babe With The Powerbomb to Hogan (4:57)

We look at Ronda Rousey and Marina Shafir beating Athena and Billie Starkz via DQ at a Pro Wrestling Revolver event a few days ago.

Tony Nese vs. Ethan Page

Mark Sterling is here with Nese and GROUP TRAINING IS CANCELED until this is settled. We get a pose off to start until Nese pounds him down into the corner. Page is back up to unload with shots to the head but gets taken outside for a whip into the steps. A spinning kick to the head gives Nese two and he grabs a bodyscissors. Page fights up and strikes away in the corner, setting up the springboard cutter for two. Sterling offers a distraction and gets ejected, leaving Page to boot Nese in the face for the pin at 6:13.

Result: Ethan Page b. Tony Nese – Big boot (6:13)

Post match the brawl stays on with security breaking it up.

We look at the ROH World and Tag Team Title matches from the Full Gear Zero Hour show.

Workhorsemen vs. The Infantry vs. Iron Savages vs. West Coast Wrecking Crew

The Crew is Royce Isaac/Jorel Nelson and they don’t get an entrance. Drake lets Bravo chop him to start before taking over with chops of his own. Bronson comes in and gets taken down by the Infantry but one heck of a flapjack puts Dean down. It’s off to Isaacs for a forearm off with Bronson, leaving the Crew to take over on Bravo.

Everything breaks down and the infantry hit stereo dives to a bunch of people on the floor. Bronson hits his own dive before catching a diving Drake. Isaacs German suplexes both of them at once, leaving the Crew to beat up Dean with a Death valley Driver onto raised knees. Drake dives onto the Savages, setting up an assisted Downward Spiral to finish Nelson at 6:35.

Result: Workhorsemen b. The Infantry, Iron Savages and West Coast Wrecking Crew – Assisted Downward Spiral to Nelson (6:35)

Mark Sterling and Tony Nese rant about the Ethan Page match, which will be stricken from the record. This is NOT over.

Lee Moriarty vs. Wheeler Yuta

Pure Rules. They start with the slow grappling and fight over a test of strength on the mat. Moriarty pops the elbow out and strikes away, with Yuta’s chops not having much effect. Yuta can’t get an Octopus hold so he goes with a sunset flip for two instead. A frog splash gives Yuta two and he fires off the elbows to the head.

Moriarty’s Border City Stretch is broken up so Moriarty catches him on top for a top rope superplex. They trade right hands for a warning each until Yuta snaps off a German suplex. Moriarty goes back to the arm until Yuta bites his hand. The elbows to the head set up the mouse trap to finish Moriarty at 8:34.

Result: Wheeler Yuta b. Lee Moriarty – Mouse trap (8:34)

Lee Johnson vs. Fred Rosser vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. Willie Mack

Rosser wants them to bring it before Mack clears the ring. Cartwheel is back in with a headscissors into the big running flip dive to the floor. Back in and Rosser belly to bellys Cartwheel, setting up the showdown with Mack. Rosser gets dropped but Cartwheel and Johnson are back in to take Mack down. Now it’s Rosser back in to take over but Mack is there again. A Sky High hits Cartwheel, leaving Johnson to roll Rosser up for the pin at 5:13.

Result: Lee Johnson b. Fred Rosser, Jack Cartwheel and Willie Mack – Rollup to Rosser (5:13)

Respect is shown post match.

Ethan Page wants to know why Mark Sterling and Tony Nese get to decided this isn’t over. Everyone saw him shake Nese’s hand after Nese cheated to beat him but then he had to say they weren’t done. Page is the one who says we’re not done and Nese will shake his hand.

Athena/Billie Starkz vs. Ronda Rousey/Marina Shafir

Athena is more than shaken up as Rousey starts with Starkz. Rousey takes her down without much trouble so it’s off to Athena….who immediately bails out. Another suplex drops Starkz again and Shafir comes in. Athena gets in a cheap shot from the apron to cut Starkz down and now Athena will come in for a knee to the face.

A spear gives Athena two as we hear about her and Rousey being partners in WWE. Shafir suplexes her way out of trouble and it’s back to Rousey to clean house. A knee to the head puts Athena on the ropes for some choking but Starkz tags herself back in. They all head outside where Athena throws back of them down at once. Back in and Rousey armbars Athena until Starkz makes the save with a Swanton.

Everyone is down until Rousey armbars Athena again. This time a bite into an electric chair gets Athena out of trouble, allowing the tag back to Starkz. Rousey breaks up some kind of top rope dive and slams Starkz onto Athena. Rousey’s knee gets two on Athena but she’s back up with the big forearm. A Gory Special/middle rope Codebreaker combination gets two on Shafir, who kicks her way to freedom. Rousey comes back in for a quickly broken ankle lock, leaving Athena to hit the O Face. Starkz is legal though and tries a Swanton, only to land in Rousey’s armbar for the tap at 16:02.

Result: Ronda Rousey/Marina Shafir b. Athena/Billie Starkz – Armbar to Starkz (16:02)

Post match Rousey grabs the title and taunts Athena a bit to end the show.

Katsuyori Shibata b. Trent Beretta – PK
Willow Nightingale b. Diamante, Trish Adora and Kiera Hogan – Babe With The Powerbomb to Adora
Ethan Page b. Mark Sterling – Big boot
Workhorsemen b. The Infantry, Iron Savages and West Coast Wrecking Crew – Assisted Downward Spiral to Nelson
Wheeler Yuta b. Lee Moriarty – Mouse trap
Lee Johnson b. Fred Rosser, Willie Mack and Jack Cartwheel – Rollup to Rosser
Ronda Rousey/Marina Shafir b. Billie Starkz/Athena – Armbar to Starkz

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The post Ring Of Honor Results – November 23, 2023 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.
