Ring Of Honor Results – June 27, 2024

Ring Of Honor
Date: June 27, 2024
Location: Covelli Center, Youngstown, Ohio
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are less than a month away from Death Before Dishonor and, as usual, there is nothing announced for the card. In theory we should be getting something set up for it rather soon, but in this case we have the World Title on the line in a match that seemed like it was destined for the pay per view. Let’s get to it.

Athena holds a Minions In Training meeting and announces that she will be out 8-12 months. Therefore, she has some extra security around here, with even Lexi Nair fired up to deal with Queen Aminata and Red Velvet.

Alex Reynolds vs. Lee Johnson

Evil Uno is here with Reynolds. Johnson takes him down by the arm to start and the clean break gets some polite applause. Back up and Johnson takes him down again, only to miss a kick to the head and get rolled up for two. They fight over a standing switch until Johnson clotheslines him out to the floor, setting up the quick dive. Uno offers a distraction though and Reynolds gets in a cheap shot to take over.

Johnson is sent hard into the steps for two but he fights up and makes the clothesline comeback. A standing moonsault gets two on Reynolds but the Big Shot Drop is countered with a knee to the face. Some hard forearms to the face give Reynolds two and a tiger driver gets the same. Reynolds rolls out of the Big Shot Drop but gets sent face first into the buckle instead. Uno gets superkicked off the apron and the Big Shot Drop finishes Alexander at 8:49.

Result: Lee Johnson b. Alex Reynolds – Big Shot Drop (8:49)

Marina Shafir vs. Erica Leigh

Shafir takes her down with ease and forces a handshake on her on the mat. Some hard forearms have Leigh in trouble but she fights up with some shots of her own. Something like a 619 in the corner sets up Mother’s Milk to finish Leigh at 2:34.

Result: Marina Shafir b. Erica Leigh – Mother’s Milk (2:34)

The Kingdom is tired of everyone wasting their time and need more competition. Mike Bennett drops to his knees to pray to Tony Khan to find some good challengers.

Lance Archer/Righteous vs. Duke Davis/Victor Benjamin/Ganon Jones Jr.

Archer pounds the rather large Davis into the corner but actually gets shouldered into another corner. Vincent comes in to hammer on Benjamin, who strikes his way out of trouble. Vincent’s running basement Downward Spiral gets two and they head outside. A ramp into the steps keeps Benjamin down, followed by Dutch’s swinging Boss Man Slam for two back inside. Benjamin stumbles into the corner though and it’s the also big Jones coming in to fight back. Another Boss Man Slam hits Davis and Orange Sunshine finishes Jones at 5:44.

Result: Lance Archer/Righteous b. Duke Davis/Victor Benjamin/Ganon Jones Jr. – Orange Sunshine to Jones (5:44)

Post match the beatdown continues.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Trish Adora

Valkyrie chops away to start but Adora gets in her own chops and snapmares her down. The threat of the Lariat Tubman sends Valkyrie bailing to the floor, where she reminds us of how smart she is. Valkyrie gets in a few shots of her own, including a few kicks in the corner. The double arm crank goes on, followed by a quick clothesline to give Valkyrie two. Adora fights back with a snap suplex for two but Valkyrie slips out of an airplane spin. Back to back Shania Pains finish Adora at 6:31.

Result: Taya Valkyrie b. Trish Adora – Shania Pain (6:31)

Leyla Hirsch has beaten Diamante four times, but Diamante comes in and wants one more. They’ll make it a street fight.

Billie Starkz vs. Angelica Risk

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning that if Risk survives the ten minute time limit or wins, she gets a future title shot. Starks grabs a choke to start and then kicks Risk in the face to take over. The running boot in the corner hits Risk again and Starkz stomps away. They head outside with Starkz sending her into the corner, setting up a running knee. Back in and Risk rolls away before the Swanton can launch, leaving Starkz to mock Red Velvet. Risk fights back but Starkz pulls her into the fish hook choke for the win at 4:18.

Result: Billie Starkz b. Angelica Risk – Fish hook choke (4:18)

Ring Of Honor World Title: Mark Briscoe vs. Kyle Fletcher

Only Briscoe is defending.  Briscoe sends him into the corner to start and the fans approve, just like they do as we hit the headlock. Back up and Fletcher knocks him hard into the corner for a change, only to get knocked off the top. There’s the dive to the floor to take Fletcher but he’s right back with some shots of his own.

Briscoe’s chops are shrugged off and Fletcher gets to lay out on the steps for a breather. Back in and Briscoe wins a slugout, setting up a fisherman’s buster for two of his own. A Pele kick into a discus forearm connects but Fletcher catches Briscoe on top. Briscoe catches him on top as well though, meaning it’s a fisherman’s superplex to bring Fletcher back down.

They head to the apron with Briscoe hitting a few shots, setting up the Bang Bang Elbow. The Froggy Bow hits raised knees back inside though and the piledriver gives Fletcher two. Briscoe Death Valley Drivers him down and now the Froggy Bow connects for two more. Fletcher kicks away but walks into one heck of a clothesline, setting up the Jay Driller to retain the title at 13:11.

Result: Mark Briscoe b. Kyle Fletcher – Jay Driller (13:11)

Lee Johnson b. Alex Reynolds – Big Shot Drop
Marina Shafir b. Erica Leigh – Mother’s Milk
Lance Archer/Righteous b. Duke Davis/Victor Benjamin/Ganon Jones Jr. – Orange Sunshine to Jones
Taya Valkyrie b. Trish Adora – Shania Pain
Billie Starkz b. Angelica Risk – Fish hook choke
Mark Briscoe b. Kyle Fletcher – Jay Driller

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