Bryan Williams Is Hopeful 2K Can Include New Women's Championships In A Future WWE 2K25 Patch,630

Image Credit: WWE Games

Bryan Williams is hopeful that 2K will be able to add the Women’s United States and Intercontinental Championships in a future patch of WWE 2K25.

WWE 2K25 Developer Bryan Williams recently sat down with WrestleZone Senior Editor Matt Black. When asked about the status of the recently introduced Women’s Intercontinental and United States Championships and if they debuted too late in the games development cycle to be included, Williams confirmed that was the case but they are working on the situation and hope to add them to the game in a future patch.

“I appreciate this question,” Bryan Williams said. “And I knew this question was going to come up, and you were right. You hit the nail on the head. It’s one of those things where by the time that they had introduced both of these titles for the women, the secondary titles, it was late in development.

“Not only was it the fact that they debuted these late in our development, they had a tournament, right? And so we were waiting the weeks until we could see the titles, get the presentation of everything. So we do not have them on disc. But I will say we’re already having talks internally about seeing what we can do to potentially maybe provide both of these titles in upcoming patches post-launch.

“So we hear you guys, and we are doing everything we can to try to support these titles. And I will just say that it goes beyond just putting the titles in. Because we have to consider how does this impact MyGM? How does this impact Universe? Two modes that are very much built around the concept of acquiring championships, as well as you know, all of the video assets when you have a title match, we want to make sure we get the graphics right and all that. So we are doing our best to see if we can potentially support these post-launch.”

You can check out our complete interview with Bryan Williams in the embedded video below:

READ MORE: Bryan Williams Teases WWE 2K25 DLC: We're Pushing The Envelope, We Have Some Genuine Surprises

What do you make of Bryan Williams' comments? Are you happy to hear 2K is looking to add the women’s midcard championships to WWE 2K25? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

If you use any of these quotes, please credit WrestleZone with a link to this article for the transcription.

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