Max Holloway reveals meaning behind walk-out, fight kit for UFC Singapore

On Saturday, Max Holloway walked out to his UFC Singapore main event differently than he has in his previous fights and that was out of respect and solidarity for the people of Lahaina and Maui. "Usually they give me the blackout walkout because we're the main event and the red corner," Holloway said during his post-fight interview (h/t MMA Junkie). "But I heard the whole arena they did red because they heard me talk about how the people of Lahaina was asking to use red in solidarity with them. The UFC did that and when I heard that, it was crazy. Mana. We use the word mana. It's the spiritual power. It was here tonight. I could feel it. Like I said, you guys saw the emotion. You saw the emotion. I went crazy after I did (win), because there was so much emotion going on for the last two weeks."Holloway also explained that he used the red fight shorts for the same reason. Hawaii suffered a devastating fire in August that has already killed more than 100 people, with another nearly 400 still missing. "I just let everybody know that the people of Lahaina, Maui are still going through it," Holloway said. "They're true warriors. They're enduring. They're enduring the pain right now. Me being able to give them something to cheer for for 15 minutes was great. … This was my first-ever walk-off KO, so it was amazing, man. Something was in the air, man. Like I said, mana, spiritual power, was in the air. The people of Lahaina and Maui gave me their power in my right hand. They call me 'Pillow Holloway,' so I was like, 'OK, whatever.' I guess we had stones in the pillowcase today."
