Logan Paul vs. Dillon Danis full fight video highlights

Logan Paul and Dillon Danis
Logan Paul and Dillon Danis clashed in the Prime Card main event Saturday. | DAZN

Watch Logan Paul vs. Dillon Danis full fight video highlightsfrom their main event showdown Saturday afternoon, courtesy of multiple outlets.

Paul vs. Danis took place Oct. 14 at the AO Arena in Manchester, England. Logan Paul (1-1) and Dillon Danis (0-1) squared off in the the main event clash. The fight aired live on pay-per-view on DAZN, ESPN+, and .

Catch all the video highlights below.

For more on Paul vs. Danis, check out the live blog from MMA Fighting's Jed Meshew.

Prefight: So, this is probably going to be insane. Frankly, I'm sort of surprised it's actually happening and I'll be very surprised if there are no shenanigans. My best guess is Paul starts winning by virtue of being the size of a building, and then Danis grabs a guillotine and gets DQed. But let's see.

Walkouts: Michael Buffer does the announcements and Logan Paul is first to make his walk to the ring. He's got 50 Cent's "Many Men" and in a pretty standard issue robe. His brother Jake is walking out with him, and this is honestly a pretty subdued walkout.

Dillon Danis is actually here and he's actually making the walk. He's all smiles, with an open robe and rocking leopard print. He certainly looks confident. Maybe he knows something we all don't know.

The crowd boos loudly as the United States national anthem is sung in honor of the two fighters. It appears Manchester still isn't over that particular loss. But it's just about game time.

Round 1: In the pre-fight face off, Paul tells Danis "I forgive you." Commentary speculates that's to help him avoid fighting emotionally. Maybe it is. It's kinda weird. And Danis is chatting trash to him. No glove touch. Let's rumble.

Paul out in orthodox, Danis in southpaw and Danis immediately has full guard, hands way up. Paul flashing a jab to start. Danis trying to crowd Paul and it immediately gets a little dirty inside. Danis gonna try and goon this up in a major way. Ref steps in to break a clinch.

Paul still flashing the jab at range, following with a right hand periodically. Danis has not done much. He's just crowding in and covering up. Paul jabs the body then goes up top. Combination work and lands a good right to the body. With Danis' hands up, that's an easy target.

Danis now trying to get involved with 1 minutes left. Inside and roughhousing. Paul taking his time, jab to the body, right up top that gets through. Danis is simply not doing much. Not sure what his plan is, but no offense is not an easy way to win a boxing match as Paul lands a pretty good right hand up top before the bell.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Paul.

Round 2: Danis back to business in Round 2. Hands way up, trying a full rope-a-dope strategy. He's talking a ton. Paul just touching him at range. His corner wants him to slow his pace and he's taking that to heart this round. Easy jabs to the body. And right hands. The body is so open.

Danis smiling, being a pest in there and cutting the ring. Still no punches though. He's just being a pain and trying to get Paul to punch himself out. Paul not biting yet but does keep landing consistently. Danis lands a right hand, maybe his first of the fight, and he keeps talking. He simply doesn't shut up.

Paul steps in and gets a 1-2 off. Very measured from him now. Paul lands a big right hand that gets Danis backing up! And now Paul is swinging wildly! This is what Danis wants though! Paul is swinging hammers in there but Danis is covering up and seems to be fine. Paul dropped a lot of energy there as the round ends.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Paul, 20-18 Paul overall.

Round 3: Paul is pacing back and forth. He's aggressive right now. He landed some good body shots during that big flurry, but he needs more of that and less punching the arms.

Danis still covering up. He's not doing a thing still. Paul being more measured here though, picking his shots. And with Danis not doing anything, he is fine. Paul clearly slowing up this round though. Action has slowed to a crawl. Danis can't find offense. And then he rolls to his back, inviting Paul into his guard. Boo.

The referee makes him stand up and warns him about that nonsense. But it's all Danis has, because he certainly doesn't have the boxing. Paul moving around, landing a jab every once in a while and a right hand. Danis playing around, acting like Paul can't fight, but like, he's not doing anything. This is the worst sort of trolling.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Paul, 30-27 Paul overall.

Round 4: Round 4 and I expect this is when Danis might at least try offense. And he starts with just that, throwing a couple right hands that get in. Paul seems fresh enough and sticks a jab that gets Danis to back off. They start talking to each other and the crowd starts booing.

Paul is now waiting for Danis to throw so he can counter, but we're just getting a staring contest. Paul occasionally opening up with a jab or 1-2, but the volume is low. Danis pretty clearly doesn't have any idea how to actually box. He's can cut the ring, but can't generate offense. And Paul keeps touching him.

This fight is bad, by any standards you want to apply. Paul opens up with a nice flurry to end the round and Danis grabs a headlock and won't let go for a few seconds after the bell sounds, though he does eventually.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Paul, 40-36 Paul overall.

Round 5: Paul takes the center right away this round and he lands a combo that gets Danis backed into the corner where he starts swinging. Not wildly this time, picking his shots, and he's landing. Danis finally punches his way off the ropes but he's pretty clearly fighting just to make it to the final bell at this point.

Paul steps back into the center and showboats a little. Danis allows it to happen.

Danis now at least trying to come forward again but he can't land anything. Paul keeps hitting him with 1-2s. Paul starting to feel himself a little bit. He's cruising. Danis starting to get a little more reckless now and Paul tags him for it. Danis still talking but not punching enough. Paul lands a hook and then a straight that gets Danis backing up.

Through four round, Danis landed 9 punches. He maybe added 5 that round. Yeesh.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Paul, 50-45 Paul overall.

Round 6: Final round. Will Danis try at all? Will Paul go for the finish? Who can say?

Paul comes out with some pep in his step! He knows this is the final round so he's putting salt in his shots now and he rips a combo into Danis. Danis still covering up and talking, but he's backing up full time now. Paul keeps ripping the body, so Danis going to feel bad tomorrow.

Danis just moving away and Paul has his hands down, mocking him, doing what he wants. And Danis shoots a double leg. Straight up a double-leg. Paul, to his credit, stayed on his feet (in part because it was a real trash double-leg). The referee intervenes and he warns Danis and I think takes a point away.

The crowd is chanting "Logan" with a minute left and he is sitting down on everything. He's got menace in the eyes as he tries to find a home for his right hand, but Danis is keeping his guard up. Paul gets Danis to the corner but Danis is just covering up, running away.

And with the fight almost over Danis finally does it. He grabs a clinch and jumps a guillotine. Paul slips out and throws a punch to Danis' head as he was on the canvas. Ref tries to get in and Paul moves away but Danis is up on his feet and chasing after Paul. Security jumps in and Danis is trying to fight the security to get to Paul. This was the most expected outcome possible, but jeez it's still depressing to see.

Chaos still reigning right now. Not sure if the fight officially ended or if this is a DQ, but things are over, that's for sure.
