Logan Paul doubled bet with Conor McGregor, $2 million to beat Dillon Danis

YouTuber turned professional athlete, Logan Paul has boldly increased his bet with former UFC champion Conor new bet is a staggering $2 million that he will beat McGregor's friend and training partner, Dillon Danis. This increase exhibits Paul's confidence in his boxing skills, further fueling the build-up for the Oct. 14 showdown."This motherf***** kind of disappoints me, because I grew up really liking Conor McGregor," Paul said on the Andrew Schultz's Flagrant podcast. "He's so entertaining, he's so good. When he fought Floyd [Mayweather], come on, that was like the most exciting sports event ever. I was pumped for it. And now that we're kind of, in some weird, roundabout way, crossing paths — or he's training Dillon and Dillon's the guy I'm fighting and I have an opportunity to open a dialogue with him — he's kind of just disappointed me as a superstar. Just because of his drug problems, the way he doesn't commit to anything, the way he doesn't back up anything he says. The way he's all bark, no initial wager, a hefty sum of $1 million, seemingly failed to catch McGregor's attention. Despite this lack of response, Paul has decided to double down. "These things bother me," he said. "I get why he's friends with Dillon, bro. They're both bad people. They're scumbags. The word Jake [Paul] used to describe Dillon is 'evil,' and I said, 'You know what? I that's actually true.' He's an evil, rotten soul. I don't know if heaven exists, I don't know if hell exists. I'd like to believe heaven exists, but if hell exists, Dillon Danis f****** belongs there. Rotten, vile, evil, grotesque, putrid human being, and I can see why he's friends with Conor. So bro, I challenged Conor, I was like, 'You're going to train Dillon for the fight? OK, I bet you a $1 million. I bet you $1 million that I beat your fighter. Radio silence."It's unlikely that McGregor will agree to the bet, let alone acknowledge the wager was even made. 
