Elon Musk encourages Conor McGregor to run for political office

Conor McGregor has not shied away from making his feelings known about the alleged poor leadership from those in power in his home country of Ireland.

The Irish people are in need of answers as there has been an upward spike of citizens being brutally attacked by immigrants. This has understandably caused uproar in the nation and McGregor is among those frustrated with the lack of action from the higher-ups.

In order to help his people for the foreseeable future, 'The Notorious' has hinted at throwing his name into the hat at the upcoming March 2025 Irish election. Not only will this be well-received by countless Ireland natives, but it was also supported by Elon Musk.

McGregor took to social media to question the ethics of his possible competition Gerry Adams, Bertie Ahern, and Enda Kenny. 

"Potential competition if I run. Gerry, 78. Bertie, 75. Enda, 74. Each with unbreakable ties to their individual parties politics. Regardless of what the public outside of their parties feel. These parties govern themselves vs govern the people."

"Or me, 35. Young, active, passionate, fresh skin in the game. I listen. I support. I adapt. I have no affiliation/bias/favoritism toward any party. They would genuinely be held to account regarding the current sway of public feeling."

"It would not be me in power as president, people of Ireland. It would be me and you."

This prompted a response from Elon Musk who jokingly stated that the former UFC two-division champion would easily "take them all single-handed".

Related: Conor McGregor targeted by Irish police in hate speech investigation

The Irishman continued, claiming that though he fancies his chances at shaking things up. He went on to state that he'd just be content if the leaders spoke with their citizens instead of ignoring and making false promises to them.

Elon Musk offered his support to McGregor, insisting that he hopes the MMA star is at the very least nominated to change things for his country.

"That is an obscure process for sure. The people of Ireland deserve more clarity and transparency in how their leaders are chosen. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Well, I hope you are at least nominated. That would shake things up!"
