Dana White thinks Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg is 'probably not' happening

For about a month MMA fans really thought Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg was going to happen. And why wouldn't they? UFC president Dana White was on board (and t-shirts were made), both of the media moguls were on board and the fans wanted it. 

But somewhere along the lines, it fell apart. 

It could have been Musk's refusal to have the UFC involved, or Zuckerberg's terms or maybe we were all had and it wasn't never all that realistic. 

Whatever the reason, White has resigned that the fight probably isn't going to happen. 

"I don't know," White said on "OutKick The Morning." "I never say never, but probably not."

"Listen, I like both guys," White said. "One of the things that I try not to do is judge people – I don't want to be judged by my politics. I'm a believer in what I believe in, and there's certain things that I feel a certain way about, and I don't judge people by theirs. I don't know exactly where all those guys stand; I don't get into that. How I judge people is how they are with me, and how we interact with each other.

"So, I like Mark a lot, and I like Elon. Let me tell you who would win in that fight would be whatever charities were picked to donate the money to. They would be the absolute winners, because I think that thing would do a billion dollars in revenue, and they wanted 90 percent of the money to go to charity. It would have been the biggest charity event ever held in history, especially for one night. It would have helped a lot of people."

So don't hold your breath when it comes to Musk vs. Zuckerberg. 
