Dana White posts video, locates Heroic Man who saved a boy from a group beating

It's unclear what started the incident, but UFC president Dana White helped the Gracie Academy track down a man that jumped into a group of people to save the boy that they had just swarmed and were beating.Rener Gracie, of the Gracie Academy in Torrance, Calif., posted a video of the incident to his Instagram channel. The video shows a boy in a black and white hoodie running. He was being chased by a throng of what looks like teenagers, who caught him, drug him to the ground and started punching and kicking outside the group, a man in a blue t-shirt rushes into the melee. He pushed and pulled the aggressors off of their victim and began yelling at them as they did Rener Gracie post video of a man rescuing a kid from a group beating?In the description to his video of the incident, Gracie said, "Not all heroes wear capes! We want to extend a free Gracie Jiu-Jitsu membership here at @GracieUniversityHQ (since this literally happened in TORRANCE less than 5 minutes from GU) to the man who risked his life to save this kid. If anyone has direct contact with @thatboyreckless please ask him to DM me asap."Regarding the victim, we're down to sponsor him as well once we meet him and better understand what happened."What happened when Dana White re-posted the video of the heroic man?White re-shared the video (can be seen below) to his more than 8 million followers, saying, "Ok everyone i found out who he is….. His Name is Maurice Hardy and his IG is @thatboyreckless follow this guy, he's a MOTHER FUCKIN Super Hero and he's EXACTLY what this country needs right now! Maurice, thank you for being an amazing human being. See u soon."In the comments to White's post, Gracie said, "(Within) 10 minutes of posting it we found him! He's coming for his first class at @GracieUniversityHQ tomorrow and I'll let him know you wanna hook him up!"It's not exactly clear what sparked the incident or why the group chased the boy down and started beating him. What is clear is that Gracie and White want to give credit to this man, who put his own safety at risk to run into the fire and help save someone from what could have been a very tragic White helps locate heroic man who saved a kid from a group beatdown View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dana White (@danawhite)
