Dana White declares war on UFC enemies Following 'Embarrassing' Wife-Slapping Incident Earlier this year

Dana White

Dana White is using his “embarrassing” wife-slapping scandal as a catalyst for a record-breaking run in 2023.

The UFC CEO faced severe backlash after video footage of a physical altercation with his wife at a Cabo San Lucas nightclub surfaced. Following the release of the footage, many outlets called for the Las Vegas fight boss to be removed from his post.

Compounding the issue was the fact that White was days away from introducing Power Slap, a new form of combat sports that features competitors slapping the sh*t out of each other for cash prizes and world titles.

"My New Year's Eve incident, I f*cking did it, it happened, no excuses," White said during an appearances on Bussin' With The Boys. "I could have tried to make up 10 excuses, there's no f*cking excuse. I did it, I admit it, I accept it. At the end of the day, you gotta live with you.

“F*ck everybody else and what their opinion is of you. You have to know who you are and you have to be able to live with yourself. I got three f*cking kids who I love more than anything. I embarrassed them last New Year's Eve. I embarrassed myself. You gotta get up and look in the f*cking mirror and say, 'I f*cked up … and how do I make sure this never happens again, ever.' And that's it" (h/t MMA Mania).

Dana White Will Show No Mercy

Dana White is now attempting to use the controversial and admittedly humiliating incident as a motivator against his enemies, declaring that no mercy will be shown.

"The day we got back from Mexico, I had a quote installed on my wall," White continued. "It says: 'May god have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.' So let's f*cking go. You've seen these guys who make mistakes and f*ck up and do whatever and the world comes after them and they just disappear and they roll over and bow down to whatever the crowd mentality wants from you.

“At the end of the day, we all make mistakes, we're all human. But if you know who you really f*cking are, you don't have to explain yourself to the rest of the f*cking world. You have to stick up for yourself."
