Dana White blasts "soft" America, says it's becoming a problem

Dana White believes we're living in a time where America has never been softer.

The UFC boss was recently interviewed by Piers Morgan where the pair discussed a variety of intriguing topics. One such topic being the current state of the country and the morale of the people within it. White alleges that the people of the United States have become soft, and it's beginning to become a real problem. However, for those who have a little bit of "savage" in them, the UFC frontman advises the opportunity has never been better to reap the rewards.

"I can't speak for the rest of the world, because I didn't grow up in any of these other places," White said. "But I can definitely speak on America. America has become so soft, it's actually - it's a problem. I tell kids all the time - if you even have this much savage in you, everything out there right now is for the taking.

"There was a point in time in the United States where you would look at other business and say 'God, it's almost impossible to break into this business because it's been so established - ' even the companies. All these companies that are so soft right now. Everything out there is for the taking.

Dana White

Alexander Lattouf, MMA Weekly

With how much business has changed over the past several years following COVID, White touched on how many businesses have their employees working from home. White believes this to be a mistake, saying the only way to truly get work done, is to have your people working together in the office.

"If you have even this much savage in you. If you are willing to go out there and grind, and work hard - you know you got these people who don't want to go to work, they want to stay home, and work from home - and believe me, I've seen this when I've spoke before, I see it pop up in the comments saying 'You're wrong, things can be done from home.' No, it can't. You have to be in the building, with like minded people.

"You know how much stuff I have on my agenda every day, that needs to be done, but other things that pop up in the office and you get a bunch of smart, hard-working people in the room together, and you go on a completely different - you know? You have to have people in the office working every day. And these people that don't want to - stay home, man. Stay home. I wish you all the luck in the world."

This isn't a new sentiment from White, who has been very vocal about his stance on the matter for some time now. He has often received blowback for his comments, but stands firm on his view; chalking the defiant attitude up to the same "bullsh*t crybaby stuff" that's spreading throughout the country.

"There's going to be a small group of hungry savages out there, that are going to run every one of you over and you can sit home and cry and complain about how you didn't get yours, because this person had this opportunity that you didn't have. It's all bullsh*t crybaby stuff that's going on - in the whole world, like you said, but more so in the United States like I've never seen before."
