Ciryl Gane reflects on Fame after Home Robbery "Done with It"

Shortly after his second-round TKO victory over Sergey Spivak, Gane learned that, while he was fighting, his home was being burglarized of all his belongings. Gane was robbed of approximately $160,000 worth of items. Speaking on The MMA Hour, Gane explained that the thieves were calculated, knowing, given his fame in France due to his notoriety in MMA, he wouldn't be home due to his scheduled fight.

"It's not only my country, I suppose you have this everywhere in the world, but yeah, in my country, unfortunately, when you are a little bit famous now — you see MMA in France, everybody talks about that, and everybody can see how much I can win," Gane said (via MMA Mania). "So yeah, he did a great job because he waited [until my] fight, the last fight. He waited the night and he went out [to my] home and he did some bulls**t."

Gane then began to open up about the negative aspects of fame that MMA has brought him. Aside from being inconvenienced by those who might recognize him in public on his day-to-day, the spotlight also puts him in harm's way. His recent situation being a perfect example.

"It's good, that's great, the people are really kind, but now you see with all of this, I'm done with it, I'm finished with it," Gane said. "At the beginning, [fame is] really cool. At the really beginning, it's so cool. But now I'm done with this, man. If I can cross [the street anonymously], that's better, that's way better now. ... Now it's different, now I just want to be in a quiet place, calm, can chill with my family. But now it's difficult. Unfortunately it's difficult to go to the school with my daughters, because you have all of this s**t that can happen after, like the people [that robbed my house] during my fight at home."

Despite the fact that Gane and his family were not present in the home for the robbery, the situation has still been extremely traumatic for them. In the wake of the burglary, Gane and his wife have decided to move homes.
