Bryce Mitchell: "I'm FREE" in the UFC unlike the NFL and NBA

Bryce Mitchell went off on having more freedom to be himself in the UFC then those who are in the NFL or NBA. Mitchell went off in a spirited tirade at the UFC Vegas 79 media day expressing his gratefulness. 

"That's right, brother. That's what it's all about, is being yourself in here. And that's what people love. And I'm just glad for the opportunity to infuse my personality into what I'm doing," said Mitchell.

"I have no problem fighting, but my favorite part is just getting to say what I want, do what I want, live the free life that I live. That's what I love about the UFC. It gives me freedom. I'm in here fighting for my freedom."

"You can't be in no NFL team talking how I talk. You can't be on no NBA team talking how I talk. UFC gives me freedom to be who I want to be, and that's what I love. That's why I go in here ready to die, because this is the freedom. I can't have no other job that gives me this freedom. And that's what I love, brother. I'm free!"

Armando Romogodoy followed up with Thug Nasty, "That's awesome that you use your platform and I'm sure your testimony grew with these trials and tribulations, tough times. You know, they might not last, but tough people will. How have you been able to just level up with that? And are you grateful for that experience, even with the losses and the bad decision making that you admitted, like, I'm gonna grow from it?"

Mitchell responded, "That's right, brother. I can't even answer the question because you said everything that needs to be said in the question. I've matured. I mean, literally, what you said is just perfect. You hit the nail on the head. I'm better, because all this stupid shit that I've done."
