Bryce Mitchell apologizes to Sean O'Malley and offers 'Suga' a business proposal

Tenth-ranked featherweight Bryce Mitchell is fresh off a win over Dan Ige and apologized to Sean O'Malley for past comments and offered to go on O'Malley's podcast with a business proposal.  

"So Sean O'Malley made a video, he said that the Earth ain't flat and he wants to be more like Bryce because he wants to have animals.  So first off the Earth is flat and I can explain to you how."  

A spiracle Earth has been accepted in the Western World since about 300 BC, when Aristotle showed empirical evidence of it.  Mankind has since orbited the planet, been to the moon, and sent rovers to investigate the surface of Mars.  A resurgence of Flat Earth conspiracists happen when, you guessed it, the internet came around.  NASA also has several high resolution photos of "The Blue Planet."

"Second off, you can be a farm boy as soon as you make up your mind O'Malley, and that urge to start a farm, that's a God given desire because you know there's something bad happening in the world and you want to secure your own food.  So, that's not a crazy thought that you're having.

"And I want to apologize to you Sean.  I want to tell you that the only bad thing I've ever said about you really is before the [Petr] Yan fight.  I picked Yan and I said that your YouTube following wouldn't win you a fight and boy was I wrong because you lost that fight in my opinion and the YouTube following helped persuaded the judges for the decision.  

"That being said, that was an absolute respectable performance against Yan.  That was the fight that I knew you could scrap, and I ate my words.  I looked like a total fool after that fight so don't you think that I think you're stupid, that I think you're gay,  or whatever dude.  I don't care what people say about you.  All I said is your YouTube following couldn't win you a fight, and I was wrong.  You looked damn good in that fight brother.  You showed so much heart and courage.  I want to take my words back and hope that you could forgive me, and as a Christian, I've got to accept when I'm wrong and when I'm attacking somebody.  And that was a little bit of an attack and it was unprovoked and I'm sorry.  I hope you can forgive me."  

 Mitchell's business proposal to O'Malley

"Here's my business proposal for ya.  Have me on your podcast and I'll tell you have the Earth is flat and I'll tell ya all the proof of it.  You won't be able to beat me in an actual argument, like a debate with facts because I've done a lot of research.  My attempt to persuade you and get you closer to Jesus because when you understand the Earth is flat, and there's a dome around it, Jesus mentions firmament, you'll probably be like me and you'll just be closer to God after you realize the actual shape of the Earth.  

"And the podcast for you, you'd make all the money.  I wouldn't make a penny of the podcast and you would get huge views.  You'd get the most views you've ever had on your podcast if you had me on, buddy.  And I'm not there to disrespect you.  I'm there to show respect to you and help your views out. And I want to make a formal business proposal.  

"You want to be like me and have a farm, which I just have a small farm, brother.  If you want to have a real farm, we could team up.  I've got some land in Arkansas for sale.  Not me, but I know of some land that's very close to me.  Brother, we're talking 150 acres, for dirt cheap.  You want some real farm land?  You need to go somewhere that's a dirt poor state like Arkansas and talk to a cowboy, like me, who knows what he's doing.  Knows who to sell the beef to, knows how to tend to the animals, and you need to have them watching the farm so that  you can train and pursue everything that a champion does. 

"I want to shoot you a business proposal live on your podcast.  I want to see what you think about it, and if you really want to get into the farm business, now is the time because the value of that land is going to go up 50 percent over the next 3-4 years.  I know because I've been sitting on land.  The first thing I did when I got my UFC money is go land.  It's damn near doubled in value.  So, if you want to get into this farm stuff, you need to start now.  It's just always easier to start now.  And the thing is, if we go in and we buy 150 acres, and we don't do a damn thing with it for five years, we just sell it in five years if the farm don't take off and make money off sitting on it.  So, I've got a business proposal for you, there's more elements to it.  If you want to meet up, have me on your podcast, listen to my business proposal and accept my apology.  How about that brother.  I bet you didn't expect that from this imbred hillbilly.  Hey brother, I'm glad we're finally seeing eye to eye."

O'Malley recently purchased a farm in Montana.  He owns one cow and doesn't plan to kill it, but has some chickens.          
