Bobby Green: 'What you can expect from me, fireworks'

Bobby Green was originally slated to face Dan Hooker in this weekend's UFC Austin co-main event, but Hooker was forced out of the fight after suffering a broken arm during training.  Jalin Turner stepped in on late notice replacing Hooker.  

"Out of all the guys that raised their hand (to step in) he (Turner) wasn't one of them," Green said on the DC & RC show.  "I wasn't expecting him at all.  I was expecting all these guys that were actually asking for it but I'll take whoever they give me."

Green prepared for Hooker, but isn't worried about the switch of opponents.  A fight's a fight, as they say.    

"I really don't pay too much attention to all that.  I look at it like, what if I ran into you in the backyard?  What if we just ran into each other in the club and have a fight?  We've just got to fight, so more so than how are you going to get prepared, you just look at it like a fight and it's going to play the way it plays out," Green said.  

Green has been on a bit of a resurgence.  With his back against the wall, he's won his last two fights, including knocking out Grant Dawson in 33 seconds in his last outing.  Green, all of a sudden, has the crowd on his side.  

"It's just real.  It's in your face.  I'm the last of the real OGs and I think the crowd finally gets it.  I've been waiting years for this.  It's finally starting to. happen," said Green.  "From the moment I come back from the curtains to the time I got back under the curtains, it's a show.  I think the crowd finally gets it.  I feel like I'm a rapper and sh*t.  I come out and I do this different thing than everybody else does."  

 Green's prediction for his performance on Saturday is 'fireworks.'

"What you can expect from me?  Fireworks, a lot of somebody getting hit... Just different from everybody else.  What I'm trying to do is separate myself from everybody else.  I'm to trying to be like ya'll.  I'm trying to be like me.  I hope I don't come off as cocky or arrogant.  I just try to do something a little bit different."  
