WATCH: Golfer makes sweet contact with ball only for it to disappear into thin air

They say a bad workman always blames his tools – but that cliche was not dreamt up by a golfer.

You see, while golfing you can experience the worst in equipment failures.

You could lose the head to an iron or wedge or, even worse, something might befall your brand-new driver.

Multi-material construction is touted as the future, but when those materials aren’t put together well, hilarity ensues. As this clip perfectly highlights…

Club heads can break off at any time.

This is a rather typical event, and some of you have probably witnessed it yourself. When a clubhead breaks off a shaft, it may land anywhere – hopefully not in your or anybody else’s path. Because not only is a clubhead a missile, but shattered shaft parts can be incredibly sharp, resulting in significant injury.

Clubs are frequently broken due to cracks or fractures produced by sources other than swinging. It might be from striking other clubs in the bag or coming across a sharp edge in the trunk or golf cart. This is not to argue that you can’t break a club by swinging it; you may, but it’s less probable that your swing is to blame.

Beware the shaft breaking below the grip too.

Again, damage from a dropped suitcase, a vehicle accident, or poor stowing in a jetliner’s luggage section can result in fractures or breaks beneath the grip on a club. In most situations, you won’t notice it until you swing the club and it breaks in your hands. The worst-case situation seen is when a steel shaft cracks, cutting through the grip and lacerating an unfortunate player’s hands.

Scuffs or gouges on an iron or wedge are common, particularly when playing in the desert or on golf courses with sandy or rocky outcroppings on each hole. When this happens, avoid trying to blunt a sharp edge with a shirt or towel, or any other material for that matter. It’s not worth a scraped finger or a sliced palm. Save the club repair until you can perform it at home while wearing thick work gloves.

There’s nothing commendable about lugging an overly hefty golf bag. Those who do it for a “good workout” are misleading themselves. A standard golf bag weighs between 20 and 25 pounds, which, when carried with a double strap, should be doable for practically anyone in good shape. Carrying a 50-pound bag over one shoulder, on the other hand, increases the chance of catastrophic injury to your shoulder or back. The only exception? You are a professional caddy.

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