WATCH: Golfer caught on video cheating his way out of the bunker

Some of us grew up on a steady diet of professional wrestling and as a result can’t help but lie and cheat and steal.

While it may be true that ‘if you ain’t cheating, then you ain’t trying’, you might want to take some steps to avoid being caught.

This brazen cheater seems to think his sleight of hand is next level.

However, he is sorely mistaken.

What would you do in this situation?

What to do if you catch a cheat

The first thing to do is to have a private conversation with the person you suspect of cheating if you know someone who can confirm your concerns about the individual.

But be cautious with the words you use.

Don’t accuse someone of being a “cheat” right away. Enhance your tact and delicacy here. Ask questions that are seen as probing as opposed to accusatory. Maybe begin with a more passive remark.

“Sorry but I just wanted to ask, what is the rule when it comes to water hazards?” could be asked of a potential cheater if they have just happened upon a water hazard.

In this manner, they avoid going on the defensive right away.

It’s possible they are just unaware of any regulation violations.

Describe how their behaviour is against the rules of the game.

Mention that if they fail to “make good” on any inconsistencies with the score, they may be reported to the committee or the event organiser.

You can report the committee or decline to sign their scorecard if you have no witnesses to any kind of cheating and would like to stay out of the way of any conflict.

Most common cheats

Keep an eye out for the “leather wedge,” as it is called in the trade, which is the casual nudging of the ball with the shoe in the rough or close to an obstruction.

For a neater impact, a cheat will try rolling the ball or gently applying pressure with their foot to the grass behind the ball.

It is less common for someone to try the obscured bunker throw when you can actually see them, but some more severe cheats cannot be shamed.

In order to enhance their lie out of the rough, a cheater will take up the ball from a terrible position in the rough, ostensibly to identify it, and then replace it in a better position.

A ball played into a water hazard incurs a penalty of one stroke. The following shot must be played with the point of entry between the hole and the spot from which the next stroke is played.

However, a cheater will steal yards closer to the hole by shifting the point of entry, making the following shot easier than it should be.

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