WATCH: Dog, yes DOG, sinks unbelievable putt – and now we're questioning everything

Dogs don’t even have thumbs, yet this particular good boy is somehow capable of sinking putts we’d be frankly delighted with as humans.

This is truly a golden moment.

This dog is a great golf companion – and best of all, he is happy to be there.

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Can you bring your dog to the golf course?

It might seem ideal to spend time with your dog at your preferred golf course. Isn’t taking your dog for a stroll on the golf course while wearing cosy golf shoes the ideal form of exercise?

You also get to enjoy yourself while participating in one of the world’s most fascinating sports.

However, are dogs allowed on golf courses in the first place? As one might expect, there isn’t a universal answer; it all relies on the particular course.

Many courses just don’t want to deal with the responsibility associated with someone else’s pet.

Since many of these courses are rather large, a dog that frequently gets lost might as well give up.

Many golf courses permit dogs and other pets on the property. Most of them only require that you pick up after your pet and keep them on a leash.

As one might anticipate, there are still certain customs, guidelines, and regulations in place even if your golf course permits canine companions. While some of them vary according to the course, others are essentially the same no matter where you play. Essentially, you must always have total control over your dog. This implies that it is just not acceptable to bring an untrained dog on the golf course.

Importantly you will want to keep your best friend off the greens and out of the bunkers as much as possible and will want to avoid the dreaded bunker onto green sand transferal nightmare whether that sand is from your wedge or on your best friend’s feet.

Before allowing you to bring your pet, some golf courses have additional requirements. These can include a health certificate obtained from a licenced veterinarian and documentation of the creature’s appropriate vaccinations. Some will even demand that your dog be kept on a leash from the moment you arrive on the course until the very end. Certain dogs will also need to wear a muzzle, depending on the breed. Of course, the owner is also responsible for any possible harm that their dog may cause while on the course.

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