WATCH: Attempted golf cart save goes horribly – and hilariously – wrong

Things can and often do go wrong on the golf course, but often we are victims of our own poor choices.

In one such case, a golfer managed to get their cart stuck on a ridge close to the track.

The driver decided to take his tips from John Daly and really ripped it.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have the Daly control and things quickly went pear-shaped.

The cart did come unstuck and returned to its proper place on the track but it took a little too much gunning it to get the cart loose and it careened out of control down the track.

Flying down a hillside is probably not how this chap imagined his round of golf would go, but aside from some mild property damage it seems that nobody was seriously hurt.

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Using the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System database, researchers investigated the occurrence of golf cart accidents and injuries in the United States between 1990 and 2006. They discovered that golf cart accidents caused around 147,696 injuries that required treatment in emergency departments over this time period.

This means that over 10,000 golf cart accident injuries necessitate visits to the emergency department each year. Researchers also discovered that injuries to youngsters aged 16 and under accounted for around 31.2% of all injuries.

The great majority of golf cart incidents, according to the survey, occur at sporting facilities. The majority of the others take place on public streets or on private property such as farms.

Most injuries from golf cart accidents are sustained when riders or drivers fall out of the vehicles.

Golf cart accidents can happen for a variety of reasons. Among the notable instances are:

A driver’s carelessness. This can include a variety of negligent behaviours. A driver may, for example, operate a golf cart while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or they may attempt to operate the vehicle in terrain that it is not designed for.

Inadequate safety measures can also be a factor, because golf carts often lack the safety equipment seen in automobiles and other motor vehicles.

Golf cart accidents are more likely to occur when individuals responsible for managing a golf course or other comparable assets neglect to address safety risks.

It’s worth mentioning that, contrary to their name, golf carts aren’t just utilised on golf courses. They may also assist riders in navigating resorts, retirement homes, farms, and other such locales. As a result, golf cart accidents can occur even when no golf is being played.

The post WATCH: Attempted golf cart save goes horribly – and hilariously – wrong appeared first on Golf365.
