Here are 3 things you can do to combat wayward trailing elbow position

There is no doubt about the importance of the elbow in your golf swing and how the trailing arm is integral at several points in ensuring great contact.

Everyone wishes they had a more steady golf swing and sorting out an elbow drop can make a big difference to your game.

The trailing arm is crucial in one’s ability to consistently deliver the club head into impact.

Before you start doing any drills to correct elbow drop, try to make sure that is the problem you are dealing with and as with all problems on the course, if you have the money for a few lessons with a professional, these could be of great aid.

However, if you don’t have the resources to engage a coach or just want some drills to try to resolve this problem here are three that work well in correcting problems with the trailing elbow dropping.

Alignment Stick Drill

You can do this by holding an alignment stick parallel to your golf club during practice swings.

Some players find that this drill helps them visualize the path for their trailing elbow.

Alignment sticks are a versatile golfing aid with a lot of utility and a player serious about improving their game can get a lot out of their use.

Under the Armpit Drill

This drill involves placing a glove or small ball under your right armpit (again, left for left-handers) and swinging.

The objective of the drill is to keep the object under your arm throughout your swing.

Tucking the right arm in with the swing isn’t always a natural motion for players but having an object in there will aid in getting the right feel for the swing.

Mirror Practice

A mirror can be a great aid in visualizing and perfecting the right elbow drop, some players like to use a video recording device to analyze their swing afterwards but for this to work its best you will need immediate feedback.

Of course, some players will have access to data capturing and playing aids that might give them immediate feedback, but these are expensive and by no means a guarantee of success.

Slowing things down and repeating the swing then speeding up again will help a player isolate where they are going wrong.

Most importantly, you need to ensure that the work done on your swing doesn’t just improve your practice swings.

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