Rory McIlroy claps back at haters of USGA, R&A decision on golf ball rollback

Photo by Andrew Redington/Getty Images

McIlroy took to social media and was blatantly honest with the masses about the golf ball rollback controversy.

The USGA and R&A plan to announce the golf ball rollback before the end of 2023. which has caused quite a commotion on Twitter.

On Sunday morning, Rory McIlroy posted a long rant about the situation, and he did not hold back or care if he hurt anyone's feelings.

"I don't understand the anger about the golf ball rollback. It will make no difference whatsoever to the average golfer and puts golf back on a path of sustainability," McIlroy wrote. "It will also help bring back certain skills in the pro game that have been eradicated over the past 2 decades."

McIlroy was brutally honest. Amateur golfers don't play the same game as these PGA Tour pros. Most people who partake in this sport will never play as well as McIlroy or the rest of the professional golfers.

A lot of people might not be happy with how blunt he was, but the Northern Irishman isn't sugarcoating things, nor should he. He then provided some detail that led to this decision to roll the ball back.

"The people who are upset about this decision shouldn't be mad at the governing bodies. They should be mad at elite pros and club/ball manufacturers because they didn't want bifurcation," he wrote. "The governing bodies presented us with that option earlier this year. Elite pros and ball manufacturers think bifurcation would negatively affect their bottom lines, when in reality, the game is already bifurcated."

"You think we play the same stuff you do? They put pressure on the governing bodies to roll it back to a lesser degree for everyone. Bifurcation was the logical answer for everyone, but yet again, in this game, money talks."

It didn't take fans long to respond to him. They asked McIlroy to clarify what he meant by 'it would make no difference.'

It's a bit of a surprise to hear McIlroy voice these sentiments. As one of the longest hitters of the golf ball on tour, this decision will likely have as big of an effect on him as any other golfer in the game.

Yet, once again, McIlroy appears to put what is right before his self-interests.

The notion he touches on that this change will force professionals to adjust their game is absolutely correct. Gone will be the days where the long hitters off the tee have a massive advantage over the likes of guys like Justin Rose. Shot making and shot shaping will again take on a premium during tournaments, which makes golf better and more exciting.

It will also be more challenging for golfers. Most fans can probably agree that watching someone win a tournament at 28-under actually becomes a bit boring. That's far less likely to happen with this change in place.

Many figures have different outlooks on this decision, including Golf Channel analyst Brandel Chamblee. Chamblee took to Twitter late Saturday night and blasted the governing bodies for their decision.

However, McIlroy isn't the only player who is okay with this choice by the USGA and the R&A. Tiger Woods also supported the idea of bifurcation and subsequently rolling the ball back.

After his round on Saturday, he gave his opinion on the situation.

"We just don't have enough property anymore," Woods said. "It has kept speeding up my entire career, and here we are. As I told you guys, I've always been for bifurcation. I've always said that — like wood and metal bats."

There has yet to be an official word when the USGA and R&A will make this universal rollback official. Neither has announced it yet, but rumors have swirled that it could be as early as next week.

Savannah Leigh Richardson is a golf staff writer for SB Nation's Playing Through. You can follow her on Twitter @SportsGirlSL and Instagram @savannah_leigh_sports for more golf coverage. Be sure to check out @_PlayingThrough too.
