Another School Shooting – When Is Enough Going to Be Enough? – Breaking News

By Ron Signore

When will it be enough? At what point do we grow up as a country and do what is right for all that call this home in any fashion?

Apalachee High School in Georgia is the latest, and likely not the last, school shooting our country is being faced with. Another example of the threat, the risk we have as parents sending our kids to school, and them not coming home to hug us as the day ends. A shooter is in custody, which is hardly good news. There is no silver lining for the 4 confirmed casualties from the violence that continues to plague our nation.

We will go through the routine thoughts and prayers cycle on social media in the insanity that has become so regular to our lives here. We will continue to hear the right defend the 2nd Amendment, and likely impose some divine saying around God's plan. God's plan that saved Pervert Hoover from assassination in July at his own rally but was absent for every other child slaughtered in these shootings. Unless, of course, the shooter becomes identified as non-white or undocumented. Then the fault will be thunderstruck on the Biden Administration and the Democrats without haste.

We get it, aliens can commit crimes. But that is the difference between us. We want all perpetrators of our laws held accountable. We all want undocumented aliens to become documented. We want to stop bad coming to our country, and border reform will help, I am sure. But at the end of the day, they deflect from the problem that needs a resolution around gun reform. Access to firearms is far too easy. Even reform being a step in the right direction, we simply have a constituent base that has gotten away with far too much over far too long that makes these tragedies consistent in our lives.

The left will speak out with hopes to curb these senseless tragedies but like the infinite loop of insanity we are in, will likely gain no traction for actual change. They will be met with protesting voices driven by NRA and gun nut lobbyists fighting the right to keep guns as a staple of our rights as a country.

But their second amendment realization is getting ridiculous. Yea, we have the right to bare arms forming a well-regulated militia. Yea, we have true sportsman who like their guns for actual game hunting. We have guns enthusiasts who believe in arming themselves for protection. While that may not rid us of gun related deaths in the country, it's a far stretch from the need of having a military grade killing machine to wipe out people in the masses. In fact, the part of a well-regulated militia 250 years after the constitution was written is a complete joke. There is no militia in this country that can form and take on our nation's military and win. You may go down with a fight, but you are going down.

This is just another long standing showing for the Republicans to forget about caring for our own once they take their first breath out of the womb. All our children should live in a safe environment. They should be able to go to school, learn, and come home to hug their parents every night without fear of next period in school being their last. No one should have to live with that fear. Parents shouldn't have to fear for their kids lives at all, let alone in the care of their learning institution.

I do not care who the shooter is. I do not care if they are a legal citizen, I do not care if they are undocumented, non Christian, etc.…I care that we have to have this reality of fear that people can have access to weapons that allow for the mass killing of anyone. Kids just makes it that much more ridiculous that we are not willing to step up and make a change. The answer is not arming our teachers. Our underpaid, under valued teachers should not have to carry the weight as the last line of defense of children.

The lack of empathy from the right to ignore the problem and fall into a complacency of accepting this is reality is unforgiveable. I am sick of it. Comments like "we have to move forward," like Diaper Don said in Iowa, or implying some sort of divine plan that includes the harm and death of children is just unacceptable.


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